About Me

Art has always been a part of my life. At first it was pencils and paint. Then ceramics, sewing, jewelry making, and more. I even grew up in a plastic shop, surrounded by tools and materials to my heart’s content. I truly loved learning about anything that was creative. As an adult, I did occasional freelance work while raising my little ones. I then did custom mural work as the kids grew older. About 15 years ago, I developed a real addiction to fabric and furthering my sewing skills. I started making some cool witchy stuff and selling consignment out of a local metaphysical shop, south of Chicago, in 2008. I made fun skirts & tops, ren shirts, little shoulder bags and witchy hats. The more stuff I sold, the more stuff I made and the more my skills developed. By 2012, it was time for the next step and I started vending at events. I then spent 5 years doing tons of Pagan festivals and events around the upper mid-west. When traveling became too much, I stayed home and focused on my Etsy shop and growing my online sales. I'm no longer on Etsy and I’ve found myself making a limited comeback to in person events but, am sticking to close to home, within the Chicago-Milwaukee-Madison area….for now.